Monday, February 28, 2011

Beach assignment #7-turtle

The weather out here has been gross practically all winter. Today it has been blowing and snowing all day. It can get slightly tiring after awhile and although this is perfect weather to stay indoors and do art-which I am extremely grateful for-it is difficult to keep up the positive spirits. I just keeping hoping that soon the sun shall shine....

Assignment #7-I believe for Laure's class. Again I had this lil guy drawn and painted it today. Tomorrow, I hope, I will do another one but on hot pressed paper. I am really enjoying working on that paper too.

I attempted to draw Minou today-which I am kind of use to while she is sleeping but I have been unhappy with my colour choices for Jane's class...I will just keep on every day and choose the best of the three and post them. Wednesday I am also hoping to go to the museum to draw for my final assignment.


  1. Hi, what did you think of Laura's class? Thinking of joining her Art Journaling Course. Have done a course with Jane.

  2. Hi Ann,

    I have regularly taken Laure's classes since July 2010-I have thoroughly enjoyed my experiences from her. I did not start my blog until this year but have accumulated a tremendous amount of valuable experiences and skills. She includes videos for each lesson and will give you extensive feedback on each assignment. I have learned a tremendous amount from Laure. I really liked her art journaling course and will be taking that one again. I hope this answers your question.


  3. Hi Susanne,

    Very useful. I think I will sign up for her foundation course. I love your style by the way - such beautiful blending which I struggle with myself and such realism. Lovely.
